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Books and pamphlets | Periodicals
Books and Pamphlets |
Hugh, ed. Tocsin: radical arguments against federation, 1897-1900.
Richmond, Victoria: Primary Education for Drummond, 1977. Storage 342.94 A546 |
Edmund. Draft federation bill: speech . . . delivered in the
Legislative Council on July 14, 1897. [Sydney: Govt. Printer,
1897.] Pamphlets 342.94 |
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pamphlets on Australian federation. 2 vols. [1862-1900.] A
collection of 32 pamphlets. Rare Books 342.9401 |
1. no. 1. Cave-Brown-Cave, W.C. Australian federation: notes of views, etc., expressed at the National Convention of 1891, and in the Parliaments of Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia, 1891, 1892; also at the Bathurst Federal Convention, and by candidates and the press in connexion with the Convention to be held at Adelaide, 1897. Melbourne: Govt. Printer, n.d. |
no. 2. Cullen, William Portus. Federal systems, and Australian Federation. Read before meetings of the Australian Natives' Association, Sydney, on the 30th of June and the 18th of August, 1890. Sydney: S.E. Lees, 1891. | |
no. 3. Dowling, Edward. Federation. [Sydney: Charles Potter, 1896.] | |
no. 4. Forrest, John. Speech by the Right Honourable Sir John Forrest, Premier and Colonial Treasurer, recommending the people of Western Australia to join the Australian Commonwealth. Delivered at the Town Hall, Perth, Wednesday, the 18th July, 1900. Perth: Richard Pether, 1900. | ![]() |
no. 5. Forsyth, Archibald. Australian National Federation on democratic lines: the Draft Constitution of the Federal Convention examined, and amendments suggested. Sydney: Turner & Henderson, 1891. | |
no. 6. Giblin, W.R. Federation of Australasia. Speech of the Hon. W.R. Giblin, in moving the adoption by the House of Assembly (Tasmania) of resolutions endorsing the proceedings of the Sydney Convention of Nov. and Dec. 1883. Tasmania: William Thomas Strutt, 1884. | |
no. 7. Glynn, P. McM. Federation: Speech by Mr P. McM. Glynn. From S.A. Register, July 7, 1897. [Adelaide: W.K. Thomas, 1897.] | |
no. 8. Griffith, Samuel. Australian Federation and the Draft Commonwealth Bill: a paper read before the Members of the Queensland Federation League on Friday, 26th May, 1899. Brisbane: Edmund Gregory, 1899. | |
no. 9. Griffith, Samuel. Notes on Australian federation: its nature and probable effects. A paper presented to the Government of Queensland. Brisbane: Edmund Gregory, 1896. | |
no. 10. Griffith, Samuel. Some conditions of Australian federation. Brisbane: Edmund Gregory, 1896. | |
no. 11. Henry, John. Address to the electors of Tasmania, on the Federal Constitution Bill. Devonport: North-West Post, [1898.] | |
no. 12. Higgins, H.B. The Convention Bill of 1898: Address delivered by Mr H.B. Higgins . . . to his constituents in Geelong, April 18th, 1898. Melbourne: Atlas Press, [1898.] | |
no. 13. Hughes, William Morris and W.T. Dick. Federation as proposed by the Adelaide Convention: set forth, discussed and illustrated by diagrams. [Sydney: T.B. Perry , 1897.] | ![]() |
no. 14. Jefferis, James. Australia confederated: a lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Adelaide . . . with speeches on the occasion by . . . Sir W.F.D. Jervois . . . Governor of South Australia; Hon. W. Morgan, Premier of South Australia; Hon. W. Giblin, Premier of Tasmania; Sir Henry Ayres. Sydney: George Robertson, [1880.] | |
no. 15. Kingston, Charles Cameron. The democratic element in Australian federation. Reprinted from Review of reviews, Feb. 1896. Adelaide: L. Bonython, 1897. | ![]() ![]() |
no. 16. Ludowici, Charles E. Farmers and manufacturers under Federation. Sydney: F. Clark, 1900. | |
no. 17. McLaren, A. Federation: the Draft Bill exposed. Sydney: Sir Robert Bear, 1891. | |
no. 18. Matheson, Alec. Federation as it affects Western Australia. A paper read before the Freemantle Literary Institute on the 17th March, 1899. [Perth]: Perth Printing Works, [1899.] | |
no. 19. Parkes, Henry. The union of the colonies: speech delivered in the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. Sydney: Turner & Henderson, 1895. | |
no. 20. Piddington, A.B. The Constitution of Australia: speech delivered in the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales. [Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1897.] | |
no. 21. Piddington, A.B. Popular government and federation. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1898. | |
no. 22. Robertson, A. Nugent. Federation and afterwards: a fragment of history (A.D. 1898-1912) which briefly sets forth some of the causes of the late abortive revolt of the State of New South Wales against the Commonwealth of Australia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1897. | |
no. 23. Service, James. Federation of Australasia: speech . . . in moving the adoption by the Legislative Assembly of resolutions endorsing the proceedings of the Sydney Convention of Nov. and Dec. 1883. Melbourne: John Ferres, 1884. | |
no. 24. Smith, R.M. Australasian dominion. [Australia: s.n., 1884.] | |
no. 25. (Sydney Daily Telegraph newspaper) The attainment of federation: what was lacking in the Convention Bill: being a reprint of eight articles in 'The Sydney Daily Telegraph'. Sydney: Daily Telegraph, 1898. | |
no. 26. Symon, Josiah. The Australian Commonwealth Bill: observation . . . in reply to Chief Justice Way's attack upon the delegates and Mr Chamberlain's 'compromise' as to Clause 74. Adelaide: W.K. Thomas, 1900. | |
no. 27. Symon, Josiah. The Australian Commonwealth Bill: the 'Spectator's' criticism: a reply. Adelaide: Hussey & Gillingham, 1900. | |
no. 28. Symon, Josiah. Federal Council Bill: speech by J.H. Symon . . . delivered 27th February, 1884, in the House of Assembly of South Australia. Adelaide: W.K. Thomas, 1884. | |
no. 29. Victoria. Committee on the Federal Union. Papers relating to a federal union of the Australian colonies. Melbourne: John Ferres, [1862.] | |
no. 30. Walker, J.T. The federation of British Australasia. Sydney: McCarron, Stewart, 1898. | |
no. 31. Want, J.H. Draft Federation Bill: speech . . . delivered in the Legislative Council of New South Wales on 21 July, 1897. [Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1897.] | |
no. 32. Wrixon, Henry. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia: an address. Melbourne: Melville, Mullen & Slade, 1901. | |
2. no. 1. Australasian Federation League (N.S.W. Branch) Rules and proposals of the Australasian Federation League. Sydney: Charles Potter, 1894. |
nos. 2-4. Australasian Federation League (N.S.W Branch) Annual report . . . 1894-1896. Sydney: Charles Potter, 1894-1896. | |
nos. 5, 6. Australasian Federation League (N.S.W Branch) Annual report . . . 1897, 1900. Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1897, 1900. | |
no. 7. Australasian Federation League of Victoria. Rules . . . Melbourne: G. Price, 1894. | |
no. 8. Australasian Federation League of Victoria. Annual report . . . Melbourne: J. Arbuckle, 1895. | |
no. 9. Draft of the proposed 'Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act' (as adopted by the Australasian Federal Convention, at Melbourne, on 16 March 1898) [Adelaide: C.E. Bristow, n.d.] | |
no. 10. (Baker, Richard.) Speech by the Hon. Sir R.C. Baker, South Australia. [from the official records of 17 September, 1897.] [Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1897.] | |
no. 11. (Barton, Edmund.) Draft Federation Bill. Speech by the Hon. E. Barton. Delivered in the Legislative Council on 14 July 1897. [Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1897.] | |
no. 12. Barton, G.B., ed. The Draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia: as adopted by the Convention of 1891. Sydney: G.S. Chapman, 1891. | |
no. 13. Barton, G.B. The referendum in Australia. Reprinted from Asiatic Quarterly Review, July 1900. | |
no. 14. Barton, G.B. The troubles of Australian federation. Reprinted from Asiatic Quarterly Review, April 1901. | |
no. 15. Bendigo League, comp. The new Federation movement; from the Corowa Conference, 1st August 1893, to the A.N.A. Conference, 27th March 1894. Bendigo: Bendigo Independent, 1894. | |
no. 16. Bird, Stafford. Tasmanian finance under federation; a note for the Commonwealth electors in Tasmania. Tasmania: John Vail, 1900. | |
no. 17. Bourinot, J.G. The Canadian Dominion and proposed Australian Commonwealth: a study in comparative politics. Ottawa: John Durie & Son, 1895. Reprinted from Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second Series, 1895-96, vol. 1, section 2. | |
no. 18. Brown, Nicholas. Federation of the colonies: a lecture delivered at the Town Hall, Hobart, Tasmania on Friday 30th May, 1884. Tasmania: William Thomas Strutt, 1884. | |
no. 19. Brown, W. Jethro. Why federate? Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1898. | |
no. 20. Cave-Brown-Cave, W.C. Adelaide Convention Bill; suggestions, amendments, etc., made in course of debates in the Parliaments of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania. Melbourne: R.S. Brain, [1897.] | |
no. 21.Coghlan, T.A. Notes on the financial aspect of Australian Federation. Sydney: William Applegate Gullick, 1898. | |
no. 22. Cormack, Donald. Australian Federation: a lecture delivered by Donald Cormack at the Town Hall, Rookwood, N.S.W., on 17th February, 1897. Sydney: Christian World Office, 1897. | |
no. 23. (Daily Telegraph newspaper) The attainment of Federation; what was lacking in the Convention Bill, being a reprint of eight articles in Sydney Daily Telegraph with preface. Sydney: Daily Telegraph, 1898. | |
no. 24. Gandon, P.J. Federation; national and Imperial. Reprinted from Sydney Daily Telegraph. Sydney: H.T. Dunn, 1890. | |
no. 25. Griffith, Samuel. Federation of Australasia. Speeches of the Hon. S.W. Griffith and B.D. Morehead on the motion for the adoption of the draft Federal Council Bill adopted by the Convention held in Sydney in 1883. Brisbane: Edmund Gregory, 1884. | |
no. 26. Haynes, H. Valentine. Federation: or, a Machiavelian solution of the Australian labour problem. An address delivered in the Protestant Hall, Sydney, on 28th May, 1891. Sydney: Turner & Henderson, 1891. | |
no. 27. Heydon, L.F. Prudence in Federation: a public lecture, illustrated by diagrams, delivered by the Hon. L.F. Heydon on Thursday night, 28th Jan., in the Protestant Hall, Sydney. Sydney: Batson, 1897. | |
no. 28. Hursthouse, Charles Flinders. Australasian independence: remarks in favour of the six Australasian colonies . . . meeting England's 'new attitude' against them - not by humiliating prayer or protest - but by wholesome separation from a blinded, waning, power, and federation into an independent state. London: Edward Stanford, 1870. | |
no. 29. Morris, Thomas, comp. A Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia: index. Melbourne: A. & W. Bruce, 1898. | |
no. 30. Johnston, R.M. Aids to the consideration of the financial problems involved in the federation of the Australasian colonies. [Tasmania: William Grahame Jun., 1897.] | |
no. 31. Johnston, R.M. Federal finance: observations on the difficulties of the problem, with an enquiry into their underlying causes . . . Hobart: William Grahame Jun., 1897. | |
no. 32. Johnston, R.M. The federal finance problem: further observations. Hobart: John Vail, 1900. | |
no. 33. Nash, R.L. Federal finance: an inquiry into the probable influence of federation on finance and trade. Reprint of eight articles in Sydney Daily Telegraph. Sydney: Daily Telegraph, 1897. | |
no. 34. Smith, Bruce. 'Honour to whom honour is due': a Federal retrospect. Sydney: McCarron, Stewart, 1899. | |
no. 35. Symon, Josiah. Mr J.H. Symon's speech on the question of appeal to the Privy Council. [Australasian Federal Convention, 1898, Melbourne]. Extracted from the official record for Friday, 11th March, 1898. [Melbourne: R.S. Brain, 1898.] | |
no. 36. Walker, J.T. A glance at the prospective finances of the Australian federation or Commonwealth. Sydney: McMarron, Stewart, 1896. | |
Alfred. 'And be one people': Alfred Deakin's Federal
story with an introduction by Stuart Macintyre. Carlton South,
Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 1995. [Federal story written
1898-1900.] General Collection 342.94029 D278 |
Alfred. Federated Australia: selections from letters to the
Morning Post, 1900-1910. Edited by J.A. La Nauze. [Carlton, Vic.,]:
Melbourne University Press, [1968.] Storage 320.994 |
George. [New South Wales and Victoria unification proposal:
letter to the Hon. Sir James Patterson, K.C.M.G., M.P., Premier, Victoria.]
Sydney: Government Printer, 1894. Rare Books 994.032 D543 c |
Robert. The coming Commonwealth: an Australian handbook of
federal government. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1897. Storage 342.94 + Rare Books. |
Henry. The federal government of Australasia: speeches delivered
on various occasions (November 1889-May 1890). Sydney: Turner
& Henderson, 1890. Rare Books 342.94 |
Henry. Fifty years in the making of Australian history.
2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1892.
John. Sir John Quick's notebook. Edited by L.E. Fredman.
Newcastle, N.S.W.: Pogonoski, 1965. Pamphlets 920 Q6 |
John and Robert Garran. The annotated constitution of the Australian
Commonwealth. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1901. Rare Books 342.94 Q6. |
G.H. My reminiscences. London: Cassell, 1917. Storage 920 R3554 |
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Australia; public opinion in England as expressed in the leading journals
of the United Kingdom. Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt.
Printer, 1890. Storage 342.94042 U.58 + Rare Books (2) |
Howard. Australian federation, its aims and its possibilities:
with a digest of the proposed constitution, official statistics, and
a review of the national convention. Melbourne: Sands & McDougall,
1891. Rare Books 342.94 |
B.R. The making of the Australian Commonwealth 1889-1900: a
stage in the growth of the Empire. London: Longmans, Green,
1913. Basement Storage 342.94 |
Periodicals |
review (London). Periodicals 050 |
57, February 1890, pp. 153-169. Duffy, C.G. 'The road to Australian
federation'. vol. 60, July 1891, pp. 1-8. Parkes, Henry. 'The union of the Australias'. vol. 77, April 1900, pp. 480-490. Higgins, Henry B. 'The Australian Federation Act'. |
hand. Periodicals 050 c |
vol. 11, August 1912, pp. 283-289; September 1912, pp. 432-438; October 1912, pp. 533-539; vol. 12, November 1912, pp. 65-71. Wise, B.R. 'The struggle for union'. | |
century. Periodicals 050 N |
40, July 1896, pp. 156-172. Braddon, E.N.C. 'The federation movement
in Australasia'. vol. 48, August 1900, pp.219-225. Berry, A. G. 'The new Commonwealth'. |
of reviews [Australasian edition]. Periodicals 050 R |
of reviews 1892 vol. 1, no. 1, July 1892, p. viii. 'Australasian Statesmen'. [National Australasian Convention 1891 delegates]. vol. 1, no. 4, October 1892, p. 70. 'The Federal Council.' |
of reviews 1893 vol. 2, no. 8, February 1893, p. 32. "The Federal Council.' vol. 2, no. 11, May 1893, p. 98. 'The drift towards federation.' vol. 2, no. 12, June 1893, p. 123. 'A Conference of Premiers'. vol. 3, no. 4, October 1893, p. 225. 'The Australian flag-ship.' |
of reviews 1894 vol. 4, no. 1, January 1894, pp. 19-20. Parkes, Henry. 'What the delays in federation have taught people'. |
of reviews 1895 vol. 6, no. 2, February 1895, pp. 149-153. Reid, G.H. 'The Conference of Premiers at Hobart'. vol. 6, no. 2, February 1895, pp. 154-159. Deakin, Alfred. 'The Federal Council of Australasia'. |
of reviews 1896 vol. 9, no. 12, December 1896, pp. 631-635. Quick, John. 'The Bathurst Federal Convention'. |
of reviews 1897 vol. 10, no. 1, January 1897, pp. 33-39. Reid, G.H. 'The outlook of federation'. vol. 10, no. 6, June 1897, pp. 661-669. Quick, John. 'The next step in Federation'. vol. 11, no. 1, July 1897, pp. 56-61. Griffith, S. W. 'The Draft Federation Constitution framed by the Adelaide Convention of 1897'. vol. 11, no. 3, September 1897, p. 267. 'The Federal Convention'. [Sydney session]; pp. 268-269. 'The work done'; 'The creed of federation'; 'The other colonies'; 'Federal finance'; pp. 296-300. Reid, G.H. 'The Australian Premiers in England'. vol. 11, no. 4. October 1897, pp. 441-445. Holder, F.W. 'The Sydney Convention of 1897.' vol. 11, no. 6, December 1897, pp. 702-704. Canaway, A.P. 'Drafting a Federal Constitution: a criticism'. |
of reviews 1898 vol. 12, no. 2, February 1898, p. 137. 'The Federal Convention' [Melbourne]; p. 138. 'Federal control of the rivers'. vol. 12, no. 3, March 1898, pp. 263-264. 'Federation'; p. 264. 'The Federal Bill'; 'Will it succeed?'; 'Over-complexity'; pp. 297-298. 'The Federal Bill'; 'The Bill in brief'; 'Some merits of the Bill'; pp. 298-299. 'What the Leaders of the Convention say about it'. vol. 12, no. 4, April 1898, pp. 384-385. 'The Opposition'; 'Arguments against the Bill'. vol. 12, no. 5, May 1898, pp. 544-566. 'A post-card plebiscite on the Federal Bill: why I shall vote "Yes" on June 3 by leading men in the colonies'. vol. 13, no. 6, June 1898, pp. 690-704. 'Australian federation: the story of a great fight'; pp. 705-710. 'The fighting agencies in Federation'. vol. 14, no. 3, September 1898, p. 324. Braddon, E.N.C. 'The case for the "Braddon Clause" in the Federal Bill'. |
of reviews 1899 vol. 14, no. 2, February 1899, p. 147. 'The six Premiers'; pp. 149-150. 'The new capital'; p. 150. 'Making a city'; pp. 150-151. 'The name of the capital'; pp. 179-189. 'The amended Federal Bill'. vol. 14, no. 3, March 1899, p. 280. 'Federation in South Australia'. vol. 14, no. 5, May 1899, pp. 565-568. Drake, J.G. 'Federal prospects in Queensland'. vol. 14, no. 6, June 1899, pp. 708-711. ' "The Conference of secrecy and intrigue": a repudiation by the Premiers'; pp. 712-730. 'The fight for federation. Final appeals to New South Wales'. vol. 15, no. 1, July 1899, pp. 74-77. James, W. 'Federal prospects in West Australia'. vol. 15, no. 3, September 1899, pp. 331-334. Taylor, T.E. 'The prospects of federation in New Zealand'. |
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of reviews 1900 vol. 16, no. 1, January 1900, pp. 64-68. Kirwan, J.W. 'Altering the map of Australia: the Separation movement in West Australia'. vol. 16, no. 6, June 1900, pp. 682-684. 'The Federal tangle'. vol. 17, no. 1, July 1900, pp. 6-7. 'The Queen's assent'; 'Lord Hopetoun'; 'The date of the Commonwealth'; 'The seat of Government'. vol. 17, no. 2, August 1900, pp. 167-170. Blake, H.I. 'How federation was won in Western Australia'. vol. 17, no. 4, October 1900, p. 148. 'The fight for the capital'; pp. 436-437. McMillan, W. 'New Zealand and Australian federation'; pp. 442-443. 'Designs for a federal flag: a competition open to all Australasia'. |
of reviews 1901 vol. 18, no. 1, January 1901. 'The Sydney festivities'; 'The first Federal Cabinet'. vol. 18, no. 2, February 1901. 'Federal election supplement I'. vol. 18, no. 3, March 1901. 'Federal election supplement II'. vol. 18, no. 4, April 1901. 'Our federal flag competition'. [Commonwealth Government 'has commenced a search for a flag on its own account.'] vol. 18, no. 5, May 1901. Fitchett, W.H. 'The Duke of York and the Commonwealth Parliament'. vol. 19, no. 3, September 1901, pp.241-247. 'The Federal flag competition'. [winning designs]; p. 247. 'The Federal seal'. |
Australia Periodicals 050 U c |
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Australia 1900 vol. 1, no. 1, January 1900, pp. 4-5. Barton, Edmund. 'After the Proclamation'; pp. 7-9. Griffith, Samuel. 'The preliminaries of federation'; pp. 13-15. Braddon, Edward N. 'My blot'. vol. 1, no. 4, October 1900, pp. 4-5. Barton, Edmund. 'Great Britain's attitude towards the Australian Commonwealth'; Allan, Stella M, pp. 9-11. 'New Zealand and federation'. |
Australia 1901 vol. 1, no.5. January 1901, pp. 9-11. Onslow, Lady. 'Woman's position in the Commonwealth'; pp. 14-15. Day, J. 'Federal capital and federal finance'. vol. 1, no. 6. April 1901, pp. 14-15. McKinney, H.G. 'Inter-State water rights as affected by Federation'. vol. 2, no.1. July 1901, pp. 3-5. Forrest, John. 'Railway connecting Eastern and Western Australia'. vol. 2, no. 2, August 1901, pp. 8-10. Arthur, John. 'White Australia and the Kanaka question'; pp.17-18. Turnbull, T.A. 'New Zealand and the Commonwealth'. vol. 2, no. 3, September 1901, pp. 16-17. Smeaton, Thos. H. 'The Federal City. Part I'; pp. 17-18. McLachlan, Robert G. 'Undesirable immigrants'. vol. 2, no. 4, October 1901, p. 3. 'The Commonwealth and the properties of the States'; pp. 6-9. Wilson, Alex. 'Trans-Australian railway prospects'; pp. 9-11. MacArthur Onslow, J.W. 'The Commonwealth Defence Bill and an Australian Army'; pp. 12-13. Smeaton, Thos. H. 'The Federal City. Part II'. vol. 2, no. 5. November 1901, pp. 1-2. 'Alien immigration and Imperial interests'; pp. 14-16. Smeaton, Thos. H. 'The Federal City. Part III'. vol. 2, no. 6, December 1901, pp. 7-9. Watson, J.C. 'A white or piebald Australia'. |
Australia 1902 vol. 2, no. 7, January 1902, pp. 5-8. Harper, Andrew. 'A white Australia: from a Churchman's standpoint'. vol. 2, no. 8, February 1902, p. 2. 'The Federal capital.'; pp. 6-8. King, Joseph. 'Australia's racial responsibility'. vol. 2, no. 12, [sic] May 1902, pp. 1-2. 'White Australia results'; pp. 4-5. McKinney, H.G. 'The River Murray Royal Commission'. vol. 2, no. 13, July 1902, pp. 3-5. Carruthers, J.H. 'The Commonwealth, from a State standpoint'. |