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State Library of South Australia Advance Australia : South Australia and Federation

Contemporary sources - The Observer

Observer Masthead

1882-1884 | 1885-1887 | 1888-1889 | 1890-1892 | 1893-1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1901

Observer 11 January 1896
p. 25 cols. A,B. 'An important question in federation.' [Outline of Federal Enabling Act; 'We . . . emphasize the need for great care in arranging for the election of the delegates who are to represent this colony . . . Federation is a question which ought to be treated as far beyond all party or personal jealousy.']
p. 26 cols. D,E. 'Federation.' [Federal Enabling Bill passed in South Australia and New South Wales; Victoria and Tasmania will pass in next few days; '. . . no strong desire in either Queensland or Western Australia to federate at the present time.']  
Observer 14 March 1896
p. 30 cols. B,C. 'The Premiers' Conference. Interview with Mr Kingston.' 'They emphatically declared for preserving Australia as a white man's country . . . their unanimous agreement to a resolution that the provisions of the Chinese Immigration Restriction Acts should be extended to all coloured races.' [The exception was the Queensland Kanaka system which was understood to be required only for a limited time. Also discussed defence, quarantine, and federation.]
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Observer 2 May 1896
p. 11 cols. C-E; p. 12 cols. A-D. 'The late Sir Henry Parkes.' 'For generations to come it will be remembered in his honour that he was almost the first among Australian public men to give forth a clear and emphatic utterance in favour of federation.'
Observer 27 June 1896
p. 27 col. A. 'Federation.' 'Sir John Forrest . . . has decided to introduce a Federal Enabling Bill into the Western Australian Parliament.'
Observer 18 July 1896
p. 43 cols. A-C. 'Australian Natives' Association.' [W.J. Sowden] '. . . wished they could reorganise and remodel the Wattle Blossom League [which] was the first visible recognition of the fact that the women of South Australia interested themselves in public life.'
Observer 29 August 1896
p. 43 col. D. 'Australian Natives' Association.' 'The principal attraction was the singing of the new "Song of Australia", a composition by Mrs W.P. Auld. The song was received with great enthusiasm by the audience, which included a large number of ladies . . .'
Observer 3 October 1896
p. 27 col. B. 'Australasian Federation League of South Australia.' 'In view of the probable election of representatives to the Convention in February or March next, it was decided to take immediate steps to bring the question of Federation before the electors in city and country.'
Observer 31 October 1896
p. 29 cols. A-E; p. 30 cols. A-C. 'A drought-stricken country. Some of the worst spots. Desolation on all sides. The same testimony everywhere.'
Observer 21 November 1896
p. 11 cols. B,C. 'The Bathurst Convention.' 'The Peoples' Federal Convention was opened today with all due formality . . . there was an attendance of over 150 delegates representing various municipal bodies, divisional boards, and branches of the Australian Natives' Association and Federation Leagues, Chambers of Manufactures, Citizens' Committees, trades organizations, and other bodies.'
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Observer 28 November 1896
p. 11 col. D. 'The Bathurst Federal Convention.'
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p. 41 col. D. 'Australasian Federation. The Bathurst Convention. Interview with Dr Cockburn.' 'There can be no doubt that the Convention will result in awakening fresh enthusiasm in the federation question.'